Hurricane Matthew: October 2016
For several months, I've sat down at my computer to try and write about Hurricane Matthew hitting Haiti this past Fall. Each time I sat down, I was met with a blank computer screen and a flood of images, memories, and emotions. Today, I went back through the photos I posted on Instagram throughout those heavy weeks in October.
I value the space on this blog to share life experiences, update supporters and prayer partners about what God is doing in Haiti, and to have a digital scrapbook. Below is an overview of photos and captions from those weeks because I do not want to forget what those days were like and the weight of those moments.
Dates and captions are below each photo.
It's almost February of 2017. Hurricane Matthew hit Haiti on October 4, 2016. So now what? We've seen a network of organizations & people unite & work together to serve the communities we work in through HaitiOne. We've seen unity like never before. We've seen resilience, growth, & restoration. The amount of work to be done is great and God is using His church from all corners of the world to participate.
I now live full time in Austin, Texas and I continue to work at Mission of Hope: Haiti. I am working at the stateside MOH office & I travel to Haiti regularly. I have the privilege of working with our partner organizations in the rebuilding & restoration of homes throughout the Southern region of Haiti.
In December, I had the opportunity to travel back to the South & serve alongside one of our construction teams roofing homes in the village of BonBon. We partner with Haiti Bible Mission, a wonderful organization in Jeremie who is living the difference in their community. We were able to see the rebuilding in the community of BonBon first hand. I'll post a separate entry with more photos from that trip, but below is a glimpse at the restoration that God graciously allowed us to witness.
The below three photos are of Madame Odette's home during the re-roofing process. Photo two, where she stands beaming in front of her home as her roof was being constructed, is a photo that summarizes the community of BonBon as the rebuilding takes place. Strong. Beautiful. Joyful. Unshakeable. Radiant.
Friends, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for creating space, praying, processing, & listening through this season. Fall of 2016 brought things none of us expected & that none of us would have asked for, but I choose to remain confident that God is good & doing good.