30 things I would tell my younger self

30th birthday reflections! 30 things I would tell my younger self.

1. Jesus is so worth following.

2. Drink lots of water.

3. Assume the best about others.

4. Listen more to what God says about you than caring about what others think about you. Not sure what he says? Check out Colossians 3.

5. Use Sunscreen!

6. You’re going to marry someone different than you, and you also can’t imagine living life apart from him. It’s the coolest mystery and he’s the best.

7. Care about gut health! Probiotics!

8. Scotchguard white shoes.

9. Repair what breaks. Don’t just toss it.

10. Be generous…with time, talent, and treasure.

11. Cherish and love the people in your life who think differently than you.

12. Remember that dignity is God-given. Honor the dignity in every single person.

13. You don’t know as much as you think you do. Be kind to people in different struggles and seasons than you.

14. Eat your veggies and learn to love what nourishes you.

15. Read books and use your imagination. Netflix is cool but your brain starts to become mush.

16. Cherish your family.

17. Don’t be afraid to fail.

18. Assess the circumstances and gifts God has uniquely given YOU, and run hard after them for his glory.

19. You are not a master DIY-er. Embrace it and laugh when you totally mess up projects. Or hire someone to do them.

20. Dream. Dream. Dream.

21. Encourage the people in your circles.

22. Your questions don’t scare God. In fact, they push you to know Him more deeply.

23. Be impressed by how many fiddle leaf figs you have managed to kill. Just laugh about it and keep trying.

24. Some people journal regularly. You are not one of those people. Be okay with that and journal whenever the heck you want.

25. You marry someone who is logical and also is a great cook. It’s awesome and you’ll learn how to cook and it’s all fine.

26. Don’t spend more than you make. Live within your means and don’t worry about keeping up with anyone. It’s very overrated.

27. Quit collecting coffee mugs. You have run out of room. For real.

28. Never miss the opportunity to genuinely encourage or compliment someone.

29. Listen more than you speak. You’re learning. Be quick to listen and slow to speak.

30. Enjoy this beautiful life God has given you. There are really heartbreaking things all around. Be a comfort, a listening ear, and a voice. Embrace the life God has given you and thank him regularly.

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